A member’s webinar commencing on Thursday 31 October at 7:00pm AEST (Brisbane time)
Start time for other locations:
NZST New Zealand 9:00pm
AEST Melbourne, Canberra & Sydney 7:00pmÂ
ACST Adelaide & Darwin 6:30pmÂ
AWST Perth 5:00pm
Fuel Rails, flow & pressure control valves
During diagnosing common rail diesel often there has been confusion on what valve returns fuel from the rail and what valve doesn’t.
What valve influences fuel flow or alters the rail pressure?
Clinton will discuss the following –
- Bosch, Continental, Delphi, Denso rails
- Limiting and pressure control valves
- Differential/fuel flow valves
- Inlet metering, Fuel Metering, Suction Control Valves
- Component ID, function, location
- Common faults
- Diagnostics strategy
* If you wish to register member’s of your team to view at home, you can share the link we email to you with them.
We will be utilising Microsoft Teams for this meeting, we will send you an email with a link on ordering, plus a reminder one week and one day prior.
If you need any assistance with the online booking please call the office